©SommeTourisme-Jérôme Halâtre
©SommeTourisme-Jérôme Halâtre

Le petit Louvre

Musée de Picardie


Museum of Picardy

  • 3000
  • 4600m² ofexhibition space
  • 1750m²of new space

Museum of Picardy

a unique place

Built between 1855 and 1867, on the initiative of the Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, with the support of Napoleon III, it was the very first French building designed to become a museum. It had been completely closed since 2017, but the galleries of the first building had not been visible since 2008. It has now been completely renovated, revealing exceptionally beautiful painted decorations beneath layers of paint. The collections have been enriched and cover the entire history of art: from archaeological and Egyptian collections in the basement [découvrez notamment la célèbre momie ou la Vénus de Renancourt récemment découverte] to contemporary art [Bacon, Picasso, Miro, Dubuffet, Picabia, Balthus….], via medieval collections including the Puys d’Amiens, masterpieces from the cathedral.

Cultural programming

Exhibitions and events

Major exhibitions are organized every year. Guided tours and lectures are offered on an ongoing basis to help you get to know the museum’s collections intimately. The museum is also open to other artistic disciplines, with regular events featuring theater, dance and music.

You can also combine art and well-being by taking part in sophromodelling or yoga sessions amidst the works of art.

For afficionados who don’t want to miss a thing, consider subscribing!

somme tourisme vanessa martin leblogcashpistache musee de picardie amiens
Vanessa Martin @leblogcashpistache



Musée de Picardie
2 rue Puvis de Chavanne
80000 Amiens

Tel.: 03 22 97 14 00





Opening hours and prices

  • Opening hours

Open every day except Monday and 01/01, 01/05 and 25/12

Tuesday to Friday 9.30am-6pm
Weekends and public holidays 11am-6pm

  • Rates

Full price: €9
Reduced price: €5
Free for children under 26
Free on the 1st Sunday of the month



A rich cultural program: temporary exhibitions, guided tours, lectures, concerts,….

A boutique-library with original souvenirs: tableware decorated with motifs from the museum, a range of waid-dyed scarves, soap bearing the effigy of the Museum made by the Savonnerie des Hauts-de-France, coffee and tea created by the Maison Dasi Frère inspired by the museum’s decor.

Tools for children such as the muséojeux kit for a fun and creative visit (mime, singing, finding animals in the museum).