Moments to share

Who can you meet in the Somme?

With our different themes, it’s easy to discover the region through the eyes of those who live here. This is their home, and they all invite you and welcome you. We’d like to introduce you to a cross-section of the people involved in tourism, the real people we meet in the field, along the way, trying out an activity or booking a guided tour. Of course, they all love their local area and share their passion with great generosity. Come and meet them in the Somme!

©Nicolas Bryant

Culture & History

Partez à la découverte de l’Histoire avec un grand H
©Nicoals Bryant

Nature & Discoveries

En avant vers la Nature, suivez le guide
©Nicolas Bryant

Sport & Adventure

Bouffée d’adrénaline garantie, aventures réservées aux sportifs


They tested it for you and tell you all about it